Monday, April 23, 2007

To those who haven't abandoned this blog forever...

Wow. It's been almost a month since I've posted anything! That's bad, I know. Really bad. Horrifyingly awful. (OK, enough.)
I guess my only excuse is that I've been in a bit of a career-related funk for a couple of weeks. (The weeks I didn't blog before that? Pure laziness.)
These are odd times in which to be a journalist: Newspapers are suffering, magazines are changing, freelance needs are in limbo.
For the past few years, I've been lucking out out in Freelanceville. I got on as a regular contributor to a national magazine; I had local newspaper assignments coming out my ears; and, of course, there was my beloved weekly column gig.
This year is different.
On the same day I wrote my final column for the King County Journal, I found out that the bureau I worked out of for the national magazine was closing. While I'm still busy enough, I'm starting to see the writing on the wall: It's time -- again -- to change focus.
Before I started my freelancing career, I worked full-time as a copy editor at a newspaper. After begging and pleading for years to get switched over to a writing position, it dawned on me one day: It's never going to happen. Never. They needed copy editors, and they didn't need writers. (Plus, I was already writing for them, so they already had everything they needed from me.) It was so obvious, but I hadn't been able to realize it until that moment.
Seconds later, I started to change my focus -- to put another plan in place and see what would happen. For the past three years, that plan has worked out well. Now, perhaps it's time to tweak it.
Here's the thing: When I was in my funk, I forgot about happy little ideas called self-reliance and optimism. I was stuck in worried-and-fearful mode: What if this particular gig goes away? I don't want it to!! Sob!
Well, today it hit me (just like it did the last time): Instead of waiting around for something to happen -- and begging the powers-that-be to help me -- I need to devise another route. As my mom has said many times, you have to make things happen for yourself.
Which is just about the best advice I've ever received.


Anonymous said...

Good for you Darla, We do have the power to make changes! My Mom always had "If life hands you a lemon, make Lemonade!" posted on the refrigerator. I have tried to live by that! Erin

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla, Glad to see you're still writing in your blog. I was afraid things had gotten so hectic that you didn't have the time anymore. I know you will find the next great thing. There are still lots of people out there that read for entertainment. There has to be someone to do the writing. My other favorite column from the Journal (Mary Swift) is now appearing in the Seattle P I.

Glad to still have you both,

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla: I still check on you and miss your Sunday morning article. The Auburn Reporter just doesn't do it. I read Lizzies blog every week. I will keep checking for your blog! Elaine

May 25, 2007 8:54 PM