Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Howdy, strangers!

OK, how sad is this: Once I FINALLY decided to post a new item, I couldn't remember my own blog address! Pathetic.

Let me first explain why I've been such a horrible blog owner: At one point or another, I decided to just let it die out. Not even sure WHY I decided that now. I guess I just assumed no one was reading it and that I had approximately 457 other things to do in a day, so something had to go.

But then I'd occasionally get an email from one of you lovely Seattleites (sp?), wondering if I was still alive and kicking. Someone cares! :) So thanks to the person who wrote to me yesterday (his or her name is "Anonymous") I shall begin blogging anew. With regularity, even!

So how have you been? (I'm assuming there's one person reading, so we'll keep it as the singular "you.") Life here is good, but frantically busy as always. My brother and his family are coming over for Thanksgiving, and for the first time ever I'm going to try to make my mom's stuffing. Suffice it to say that it's a two-day process with plenty of opportunities for disaster. But I'm up for the challenge! Got my game face on!

The kids are great, Mike's great, blah blah blah. (See, this is the problem with creating a blog and then ignoring it. Too much to go into with the first post back.) I still greatly miss the old EJ column; there's hardly a day that goes by that I don't think, "Wow, that thing that just happened/that witty comment from the kids/that general life observation would have made a good column." Of course, I could have just posted said thoughts on this here blog! Which is what I shall be doing in the future.

Attached is a picture of a very giddy Emily at the Hannah Montana concert last week, just because this post needs a photo. There's a story behind how we landed tickets, but I'll save that until next time.



Me and Mine :)


Susan from the Pacific Northwest said...

Wow, I'd just about given up. I'll look forward to reading more posts!

Darla said...

Thanks so much for sticking around! :)
Happy Thanksgiving,

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too had nearly given up on your return.
Welcome Back and Happy T-Day to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. I hadn't tried your blog for a long time. I'm so glad you are back. Sandy

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back! I kept checking everyday for the past few months and was I surprised to finally find a new addition. How is the dog and how are the cats?