Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just for fun

Who else remembers these commercials from the '80s? I love the extreme dorkiness of the first one:



I myself was a big fan of the Dial-A-Lash concept back then. (Wish I still had a tube as a collector's item! Note to self: Start stashing away all "revolutionary" makeup concepts from '00s to sell on eBay in the '040s.) But looking back, I think they were scamming us. Could that dial really control how much stuff came out on the brush? I wonder, because in every picture of me from that era, my eyelashes are so heavily coated with gunk that you'd need a power drill to bore through it all.
Or perhaps I just never dialed it back from 10. Restraint wasn't really my strong suit in the '80s. Then again, was it anyone's?

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