Monday, January 22, 2007

Tip of the Day: Get trick candles!!

As some of you know, Emily's birthday is Dec. 28, while Jake's is Dec. 31. Thus, it is logistically impossible (for me, anyway) to host their big parties on their designated days. This year, we happened to be at my mom and dad's house on New Year's Eve, so my mom baked him a cake. And of course, being the mom who has EVERYTHING, she pulled out the trick candles.
There were four kids at this party -- cousin Cameron, 8 (shown at left), Jake, Emily and cousin Sarah, 8. Shockingly, not one of them had ever seen nor heard of the trick-candle phenomenon. I, along with other new-generation parents, have been seriously remiss in our party-celebrating skills. If you don't think that's true, just look at the boys' faces. They're awed by these wild and crazy candles!
So I urge this generation of parents: Run, don't walk, to the nearest store with trick candles and stock up. Your children and your children's children will thank you someday. :)
And thanks to my sister Ilinda for sharing the photo!

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