Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My new hobby

What you see here is my first attempt at scrapbooking. Looking at it now, I realize it needs lots and lots and lots of work. Frankly, it's terrible. But that doesn't quell my enthusiasm for this sport! Or cult, whatever you want to call it!
My sister-in-law Margaret got me into it; she and her friends are expert scrappers and are teaching me the ropes. But there's so much to learn! (They have their own lingo, even. For example, did you know that the practice of stealing ideas for pages from other people is called "scraplifting"?) :)
Anyway, I'm greatly enjoying my Wednesday-morning scrapping sessions, mainly because we get to sit around and talk and laugh. And yes, occasionally get a page done.
I honestly feel like a whole new world has been opened up to me. And yes, I realize that sounds like the words of a cult member. :)

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