Saturday, February 3, 2007

Dallas Morning News use can use!

Attached is a link to a story I wrote for The Dallas Morning News; it's about women, heart disease and that evil thing called stress:


Anonymous said...


I have had cats all my life and I have never found another way to pill them. The best way is to get on your knees and put the cat between them, then he can't back up. After you have the pill in, rub his nose and he will lick it and, hopefully, be more apt to swallow the pill. Good luck.

Darla said...

Hi Cari,
Thanks for the advice! Last night, we tried holding him down in a towel so that he wouldn't scratch the bejezus out of us. That worked pretty well; even though he wasn't at all happy during the ordeal, he hopped on the couch about five minutes later, purring away. So maybe he knew all of that was for his own good. :)