Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well, it started out as a good day

Every so often, the kids and I go out for a whole day of fun. Sometimes the day involves the mall and Build a Bear. I myself derive little fun out of paying $70 for a stuffed animal (that includes the must-have clothing and accessories, of course), so today, we decided to go ice skating, out to lunch and then to the park.
I picked a park that we don't normally go to; it's a cool one with lots of contraptions. We were there for about five minutes when Emily fell off one of the monkey-bar-like poles.
I saw it happen; she swung outward and then right off, landing on her stomach from about five feet up. Because she didn't fall that far down, I was relieved. But then she said her left arm hurt, and she couldn't straighten it all the way without screaming in pain.
Next stop: the after-hours pediatric clinic, which was at standing-room-only capacity. Three hours later, we had the verdict. She'd broken her arm just above the elbow. It's a tiny fracture, but as the doctor said, a break is a break. She'll have to wear a cast for about four weeks. (We won't know exactly how long until she gets the permanent one tomorrow.)
"This is the worst day I've ever had," my sweet little girl said through her tears. Once we got home, she looked at me and sobbed, "I wish this was all a dream."
Me too. What started out as a good day ended with her arm broken, my heart not far behind. But tomorrow, as they say, is another day.


Anonymous said...

Hope that Emily has a speedy recover. Being the mom of two active boys, I have spend more than my share of time at the
ER. Another thing, we never went on vacation where one or both didn't come down with something.

Anonymous said...

Darla, I too can simpathize. Poor Emilly! Our son when he was growing up always seemed to hurt himself on a Sunday when I was not around and my husband would have to run him to the hospital. He got so use to making the "run" and they knew him and our son by first names at the hospital emergency! My husband was afraid they would think we being abusive parents, lol.

Hope Emily heals quickly for all your sakes!


Darla said...

Thank you both for your well wishes! I appreciate it. And I'm sorry for taking this long to reply!
Emily is doing much better these days; I think she's gotten used to functioning with one arm for the moment. :) Plus, all the kids in her class got to sign her permanent cast yesterday, so that was exciting. When they ran out of room on the cast, they signed her sling. Two people decided to then sign her backpack. I guess at that point, it was open season on all of her possessions! :)