Friday, February 2, 2007

p.s. to the vet comment

If anyone has great tips for giving pills to cats, please send them my way! Spot, oddly enough, does not like it when we hold him down, force open his mouth and drop a pill at the back of his throat. We know he doesn't like this because of all of the scratching, biting and escaping.


Anonymous said...

Rather than just hold the cat down, wrap him firmly in a thick bath towel. After that, forcing the pill into his mouth is a necessity. He's not going to voluteer, but after it's in his mouth, close his mouth and stroke his throat till he swallows. This works most of the time, although my tomcat has mastered spitting a pill across the room. Pitooey!!

Anonymous said...

We have one cat who will fight us on pills and usually ends up spitting them out. We have found the Four Paws Pill Dispenser very helpful. It gets the pills at the back of the throat so they can't spit them out as easily. We then stroke the throat. And we wrap in a towel because it doesn't make our cat any happier with the process.

Darla said...

Thanks to both of you for the advice! Spot has just three more days for the anti-infection pills, so that's good news for all of us here at the Atlas abode. These days, whenever he sees Mike carrying a big bath towel, he starts heading in the other direction. :) Cats are smart!

Anonymous said...

We only have a dog, not cats, so don't know if this will help. With our dog, we hide the pill in something she really likes. Our dog is crazy about cheese, so I just take a small chunk of Velveeta, squish the pill into the middle of it and then bring it to Pepper. She smells it, goes wild and I throw it toward the back of her throat. She wags her tail and doesn't seem to realize there is a pill inside that lovely morsel of cheese.

mother of four and a dog

Anonymous said...

Put the pill in the middle of a small ball of turkey,chicken,or steak. That way when you push it down the cat's throat, they think,"that tasted quite delicious -let's do that again".

Anonymous said...
